Our Story 

Serving People In Need Throughout Melbourne’s Outer East

Our Story

Back in 1976, a group of local business people met for lunch at the Dorset Gardens Hotel in Croydon and decided that together they would give back to those in need in the local community which had supported their businesses for so many years.  

From that lunch, the Footmen Club was born and that has evolved into the Foothills Foundation and Charitable Trust which operates today.   

Throughout that time, volunteers from local businesses and the community have worked tirelessly to raise funds to support local people in necessitous circumstances and community service programs that support them.

Funds are raised through high quality events, donations, bequests and our generous sponsors.

Each year, grants amounting in aggregate to $20,000 to $25,000 are made to individuals in necessitous circumstances for specific purposes and community services for specific program or support needs. There is a robust grants assessment process to ensure that funds disbursed are for valid purposes in line with our guidelines and are applied accordingly.

Improving the lives of those finding themselves in difficult circumstances

Attend Events

Our events provide people with a fun, social experience and professional presenters who are experts and tell a good story.

Apply For Grant

Grants are given to people in necessitous circumstances in our community or to organizations that support people in need.

Make a Donation

With once off and monthly options, everyone who makes a donation, makes a difference to someone in need, in our community. 


We offer an affordable monthly membership

Contact Us By Mail

The Foothills Foundation and Charitable Trust
PO Box 384, Croydon Vic 3136

Contact Us By Phone

Natalie Hallett, President : 0404 556 376
Tamara Lloyd, Vice President : 0408 585 319
Tegan Rose, Secretary : 0422 144 198
Martin Lane, Treasurer  : 0402 940 690 

Contact Online

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