This is Kerryn’s story

This is Kerryn’s story

I would like to thank the Foothills Foundation, so very much, for funding a new CPAP machine for

Four years ago, I was diagnosed with chronic sleep apnoea. Box Hill Hospital lent me an older model CPAP machine, which I was very grateful for.  A few months ago, I received a letter from Box Hill Hospital, advising me of a safety concern with the Phillip’s CPAP machine they lent me and advised me to stop using it. Since then, I have been hiring a machine, which has been costly.

Recently I was put in touch with a lady, who told me about The Foothills Foundation. To my eternal appreciation, the Foundation agreed to fund a CPAP machine for me.

I am a single mother and am on a disability pension. Life has been a struggle for many years and this is the first time in my life that someone has helped me out in this way.

The Foothills Foundation is a wonderful charity assisting disadvantaged people like me. I can now manage my sleep apnoea and know that it will benefit my health and my life, as a mother to my son.

Thank you so very much.

7 ways to help us help our community

The Foothills Foundation is operated by a team of dedicated volunteers.

We need and welcome any help that people, businesses and other organisations can offer to assist us in raising funds and connecting with people and community services that need a hand.

Here are 7 ways that you can help us in our work of “Improving the lives of disadvantaged people in our community”:

  1. Become a member – for just $50 for an individual, $75 for a family and $100 for an organisation, it is a small annual investment that makes a difference – learn more and join at
  2. Make a donation or bequest – the Foothills Foundation is a registered charity with full tax deductability for donations – explore at
  3. Attend an event – we run a variety of quality events each year as a primary fund raising avenue – there is sure to be something of interest. See what’s on at
  4. Tell community services in Maroondah and Yarra Ranges about us and how we might help them and their disadvantaged clients with special needs and connect us at
  5. Sponsor the Foundation or an event. It is good business because people want to work with and do business with organisations that are involved in and support their local community. As the Foundation President, I would love to hear from you so give me a call on 0438 533 311.
  6. Help us to extend our reach and connection with people and organisations across Maroondah and Yarra Ranges by liking our facebook page and sharing our stories
  7. Donate prizes for auction and raffle items to help us raise more funds at events – contact us at

Of course, if you have the time and commitment to volunteer with us in some way, that would be great too. Give me a call on 0438 533 311 if that is of interest to you.

Peter Maguire



A grants update – May 2019

A grants update – May 2019

Since the beginning of 2019, the Foothills Foundation has granted or allocated approximately $7,000 to people or groups in need in the Maroondah and Yarra Ranges area as follows:.

  1. Through our relationship with Eastern Access Community Health (EACH), we provided:
    • a grant of $730 to provide bannister and grab rails  for a lady with reduced mobility due to Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and suffering from anxiety and depression and
    • a grant of $470 for the gap payment for a three function hi lo hospital bed for an elderly lady with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and living alone in an OOH Unit.
  2. At the request of ANCHOR, we partnered with them and the IOOB to help a local family in crisis. Each of us  contributed a third ($3,540)  of six months’ rent for a family in which the mother is suffering with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. While she has been undergoing bone marrow treatment, her husband has taken leave of absence from work without pay to look after their three children and they needed a hand to meet rental commitments.
  3. The Foundation helped Ringwood Biala with the purchase of new carpet squares ($850) for their respite facilities. The respite programme at Ringwood Biala is designed to give parents of children with additional needs (0 to 6 years) one day a week relief. See
  4. We also provided $1,500 to the Holy Fools after their trailer and supporting goods were stolen earlier this year. The Holy Fools provides unconditional love, care and support for people on and around the streets of Lilydale  and the Yarra Valley, in particular the homeless. See

Grant applications can be initiated through our website at